syrapha2021 - Thoroughbred Hunter

Horse Owner Rider Shows Points
1    Good Golly Miss Molly Susan Grupp Jaime Bates 3 293.00
2    King's Vision Lucinda Finley Jaime Bates
Lucinda Finley
3 200.00
3    Fleeting Gold Connie Chave Connie Chave 6 181.00
4    American Road Leslie Miller Jessica Harrell 2 142.00
5    Pimlico Lucinda Finley Jaime Bates
Lucinda Finley
3 89.00
6    Bennington Leslie Miller Maddie Mason 3 66.00
7    Oceania Corrina Rosenfeld Corrina Rosenfeld 1 33.00
8    Tales of the Darkside ** Ryan Lefkowitz Ryan Lefkowitz 1 8.00
Horse: Good Golly Miss Molly
Owner: Susan Grupp
Rider: Jaime Bates
Shows: 3
Horse: King's Vision
Owner: Lucinda Finley
Rider: Jaime Bates
Lucinda Finley
Shows: 3
Horse: Fleeting Gold
Owner: Connie Chave
Rider: Connie Chave
Shows: 6
Horse: American Road
Owner: Leslie Miller
Rider: Jessica Harrell
Shows: 2
Horse: Pimlico
Owner: Lucinda Finley
Rider: Jaime Bates
Lucinda Finley
Shows: 3
Horse: Bennington
Owner: Leslie Miller
Rider: Maddie Mason
Shows: 3
Horse: Oceania
Owner: Corrina Rosenfeld
Rider: Corrina Rosenfeld
Shows: 1
Horse: Tales of the Darkside **
Owner: Ryan Lefkowitz
Rider: Ryan Lefkowitz
Shows: 1

Last Updated 14 Nov 2021


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